Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Love of Writing Expanded-Annette Snyder

I did something for a year I thought I’d hate.  I did it for the free publicity.  I co-hosted a blog.  I read three books a month and highlighted those authors for ten days. I posted questions and comments about the work and kept conversations going.  I liked it, pretty much but with my own writing, home and real job, the blog took precious time.  I did get an idea.  If I spent so much effort working on a blog for someone else, why not start my own?  But the time?  How could I do a blog without using my allotted writing time?   Check out Fifty Authors from Fifty States  I’ve lined up one writing professional from each state per week for the year.  What a great way to learn about the amazing talent nestled in the interesting niches of the USA.  I get to work on a blog because I enjoy it and I also get to clue visitors in about new genre’s, new writing avenues and different parts of the country.  Want to visit Arizona or Florida?  Check out those posts to find out what not to miss when you do!  AND, if you visit weekly and comment, you could win a pretty cool surprise at the end of the year. 


Ellz said...

I agree, a blog takes time. I can imagine how hard it is for a writer to split their time.

Off to check out the link.

Annette Snyder said...

once I got it lined up and got a scedule, it isn't too bad. I set up reminders that bing when I have to send out the new participant stuff and it's pretty much good to go. hardest problem is if someone's contact expires or my email to them gets lost in their junk file and I have to search for them.

writermama said...

What a creative idea. There are interesting things about each state your writers could share. I've lived in Arizona, Ohio and now Indiana. You wouldn't believe how different living back east is from the west. :)