I love my wolves but I also write contemporary stories including a mm romance set in the City of Angels.
Bangkok or Krung Thep which means the City of Angels is a contrast of opposites, a modern world of hotels and office buildings with a serene traditional core. You can travel from a four-star hotel to a typical Siamese village. Take the Skytrain to a glitzy shopping mall or go to an open-air market or a famous temple.
Bangkok holds claim to being the hottest city in the world. The heat is unrelenting because it doesn't cool significantly at night. The Thais divide the year into three seasons: the cool season, hot season, and rainy season. Westerners might translate this to "hot," "really hot," and "really hot and wet."
Here's an excerpt from my book. Leave a comment for a chance to win a copy or your choice of an ebook from my backlist.
One Night in Bangkok
The temperature in Bangkok is a humid ninety degrees but things are about to get a lot hotter. David Elliot is in Thailand on business but when he meets Kai, the younger man turns his world upside down. It was never meant to be anything more than a pleasant diversion but can he walk away when it’s over?
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The office door opened and David Elliot looked up with a frown, ready to chew out the intruder who'd managed to get past his secretary. His scowl disappeared when Bernard Markham walked in. Mr Perfect from his artfully cut hair to his designer shoes, the head of the Markham & Dunn LLP international law firm, exuded class. Worldly, wealthy, and all mine. How did I get lucky enough to snag the boss? David flashed his biggest, sexiest smile.
Bernie didn't return it. He looked down his perfect aquiline nose, a well-executed rhinoplasty, in that way of his that imparted you were a lesser mortal.
Uh oh. What did I forget? David ran through every detail in his head and couldn't come up with a damned thing. Ever since he found out he'd be going back to Bangkok to negotiate the acquisition of commercial real estate for Bernie, he'd worked long hours trying to tie up any loose ends. Reviewing documents and preparing contracts was tedious, time-consuming grunt work, usually relegated to junior attorneys, but David insisted on personally reviewing his own documents. He'd already gone through most of his files, and this was the last of it. Every problem had been anticipated, and his clients would be left in good hands while he was away.
The lower lid of Bernie's left eye twitched, a sure sign he was stressed, and right then David knew this wasn't about business. A cold knot settled in his stomach.
"We need to talk," Bernie announced.
"Have a seat."
"I'd rather stand."
This was bad. David knew all Bernie's shtick and looking down at someone was his way of taking charge, lecturing more than conversing.
"We need some time apart."
The words came straight out of left field, totally unexpected. They hadn't slept together in the past week, David's fault really, but his lover hadn't complained. They both believed in business before pleasure. "I know I've been distant lately, but we can fix this."
"It's not that." Bernie shook his head impatiently. "It's me."
Fuck! He'd heard that before. It's not you, it's me. The worst kiss-off ever, and a low blow to bring their personal affairs into the office. David got to his feet. If this was personal, he wasn't about to let Bernie talk down to him. "Is there someone else?"
"No, nothing like that. I just think we need a little breather. Too much time together will kill a relationship. We don't live together, but I feel like we do. This past week, when you slept at your own place, I started to realize how much I needed some breathing room."
"You're bored." David couldn't keep the injured tone out of his voice.
"No. Yes." He admitted. "A break will be good for both of us."
"Don't tell me what I need or want." David raised his voice for the first time. "Your timing sucks. I leave for Bangkok tomorrow. We don't even have time to sit down and talk this out."
"Why keep rehashing it?" Bernie threw his hands in the air. "Go to Bangkok, take care of my business like you always do, and take some time for yourself. You'll be in Sin City! Enjoy it on me; you have an unlimited expense account." He turned away.
So the timing of this trip was intentional. Bernie hated messy scenes and this was his way of avoiding an awkward situation. He didn't want him anymore, but didn't have the guts to finalize it. "And what will you be enjoying while I'm gone?" David asked acidly.
Happy Reading!
Just started reading m/ m and I'm always looking for a good read ;)
I put this book on my wish list when it came out. I would love to read it. It sounds really good.
Thanks for reading. Good luck with the giveaway.
This book has been on my wishlist for a while (I really need to figure out a way to not have to sleep, I could read alot more then.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
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