So what have I dressed up as? Funny you should ask.
A prom queen
Twins with DH
A vampire
Race Fan
A haggard parent
So instead of trying to find pics of me dressed up, I thought I'd post some fun costumes I'd either like to dress as or would love to see DH as. :-)

Yeah, I saw Top Gun. Guys in flight suits are hot. Hands down they are.

Ok, so it's not really the Michael Keaton/Christian Bale version, but beggars can't be choosers.

This was a request by DH. Then again, he agreed he'd go as Dr. Naughty. Shaking head. What am I gonna do with him?

And well, this one, hey, it's fun to dress up as a bloodsucker.
So what about you? What's your favorite costume? Least favorite? Which do you want to dress up as? Tell me. Come on. You know you want to.
About Wendi Zwaduk:

I always dreamed of writing the stories in my head. Tall, dark, and handsome heroes are my favorites, as long as he has an independent woman keeping him in line. I tend to write books with titles taken from songs because music is one of my many muses.
I earned a BA in education at Kent State university and as well as a Masters in Education from Nova Southeastern University. I've tried my hand at teaching, waitressing, and retail sales, but writing holds my heart.
I love NASCAR, romance, books in general, Ohio farmland, dirt racing, and my menagerie of animals. I have more stories in my head than my brain can handle percolating. I can't wait to share them with you!
My favorite was one as a child. It was like a last resort costume when you couldn't think of anything else but I have fond memories: a hobo.
My least favorite is ANY store bought costume! They are cheap and look cheap! Although kids DO look cute.
books4me67 at
One year I dressed up as a ragdoll and my best female friend dressed up as a scarecrow. We had great fun laughing at ourselves. If you can't laugh at yourself on halloween and have fun, what's the point?
I never really dressed up for Halloween but I always like seeing other people's costumes. I wouldn't mind seeing a man in uniform or go way back and dress as a gladiator. For me I would probably go for a witch or a heroine in an urban fantasy story -all leather with a weapon to fight off the foes!
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