Growing up Drea Becraft wanted to save the world one dead body at a time as a homicide detective. After high school her dreams turned to the wayside when she found out she was going to be a mother. Eight years later she is now the mother of three beautiful girls, who are a handful, and married to her high school sweetheart. When she is not frantically getting two kids to and from school, to cheer practice, or cleaning up the after a full household she enjoys reading anything and everything she can get her hands on. After a few years of simply reading for enjoyment she began to get excellent ideas for stories of her very own and began to write them as much as time will allow. Watching as her dreams and characters become solid on paper has been exciting to say the least. Drea can't wait to share every dream one story at a time. Until then she enjoys tons of conversation and laughs on twitter, facebook, and yahoo loops and would love to hear from you on any or all of them.

Writing is like really good sex once you get one release under your belt you have to have more and more and more. ~Drea Becraft
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1 comment:
Hi Drea! Happy Release Party!
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