Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Good morning and welcome from Lila Munro! **RAFFLECOPTER GIVEAWAY**

Good morning, everyone! Welcome to our little release party which kicks off our three day Words from the Heart Valentine’s celebration. I’m Denisea Kampe, formerly Lila Munro. I recently retired my pen name, but retained six of my works one of which I’ll be sharing a bit about today—which is a shinier version of a previous work, One Tear. I’m sure a lot of you may know me, but for anyone who’s not familiar with me or my work, I’m married to my very own fairy tale prince in dusty cammies. Yes, that’s right—I’m a wife to the Marine Corps. J I’ve lived all over the world, but currently call Vancouver, Washington home. My nest is empty, but I have six grandchildren and am busy trying to keep up with my two latest rescues, Bitty—a Rat Terrier mix, and Zipper—a Siberian Husky. I’ve been writing all my life but didn’t seek publication until I was on the cusp of 40…that seems to be the magic number for freak-out totally in a panic that you’ve not achieved what you’d hoped to in your lifetime. My career began in contemporary military romance and at some point took a turn into naughtier waters, but recently I decided I was better suited to my original genre of choice and have been back at the drawing board busy working on tales of marines and their true loves. And that’s where the retirement of my pen name came in to play along with the decision to write under my real and true name. For the next three days you can find me at what was my Lila home where all the party details and schedule is, but beginning next week, I’ll be residing at I’ve already closed my Lila Munro Facebook author page and opened a new one for Denisea and you can now find me here: I hope you’ll come by my new places and see what all I’m up to. It’s been a busy winter!

Thanks for joining us today! Hope everyone has a great time…and be sure to take a look at the Rafflecopter below. There is a Kindle Paperwhite and a $75.00 gift card up for grabs. Good luck!

Denisea J
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Catherine Lee said...

Lila...How interesting! When did you move from NC? I've followed you on various things and we shared that coastal NC connection as I am in Wilmington. We are ice covered here today. All the schools are closed so I am glad to attend your party!
catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Hi Catherine! We moved last June. You know how it is being married to a marine. :) I saw pictures of the coast this morning, my goodness! I'm very glad to see you out and about today...I've been a bit absent from all the fun social things for a while and it's good to be back in the swing. Thanks for stopping in!