I'm always curious to know: How much are you willing to pay for an ebook? What's your "drop dead price" you won't go over?
Answer the question and I'll pick a poster to win a PDF Copy of my latest paranormal romance: "The Wolf's Torment."
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Stephanie Burkhart is a 911 Dispatcher for LAPD. During her spare time she enjoyed writing, chauffering her boys to dance class, gymnastics, and swim lessons. Her favorite College Football team is USC (University of Southern California) She spent her vacation visiting Catalina Island for the 4th of July and the last book she read was Mona Risk's "Osiris' Missing Part."
THE WOLF'S TORMENT: paranormal romance released 1 MAY 2011 w/Desert Breeze Publishing
BLURB: It's 1865 in Moldavia, a country nestled against the shores of the Black Sea, and Crown Prince Mihai Sigmaringen returns after receiving an education in England. His best friend, Viktor Bacau joins him. Mihai is intent on modernizing his nation, but he's also a witch, and it's time he embraces his heritage. The tasks in front of him are many including getting married.
Lady Theresa von Kracken arrives in Constanta as Mihai's intended. Mihai has vowed not to fall in love again, but Theresa manages to break the battlements around his heart.
In an unfortunate twist of fate, Viktor is bitten by a werewolf. Viktor's transformation threatens everyone around him including his wife's safety and Mihai's happiness with Theresa. Viktor's bite is the wolf's torment.
You Tube Video Trailer:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzHE2spBeeU
Buy Link:http://stores.desertbreezepublishing.com/-strse-163/Stephanie-Burkhart-Moldavian-Moon/Detail.bok\
Buy Link: Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Moldavian-Moon-Book-One-ebook/dp/B004YTI3FM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1312732510&sr=8-1
Buy Link: B&N Nook: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/moldavian-moon-book-one-stephanie-burkhart/1031031928?ean=2940012459787&itm=1&usri=stephanie%2bburkhart
Buy Link: All Romance EBooks: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-moldavianmoonbookonethewolf039storment-544310-139.html
Review from Pen & The Muse
"A complete werewolf story through and through, Burkhart does it again with an amazing cast of characters, entertaining dialogue and plot. Lovers of historical paranormal romance will enjoy this read, the first in the Moldavian Moon Series."
Link: http://thepenmuse.net/archives/2720
Review from Readers Favorite Book Reviews
"The Wolf’s Torment has it all, witches, werewolves, a vampire, princess and prince. This is paranormal romance at its finest... I found The Wolf’s Torment to be an entertaining read. I truly cared about the characters. I look forward to reading the next book in this series."
Joy Cagil, Sr. Moderator, Writing.com
"Although Wolf's Torment can be classified as a loosely historical paranormal-romance, the many underlying themes--such as the friendship dynamic, coming of age, family ties and troubles, and facing political realities, sickness, and death--give it a meaning deeper than an average genre book... This novel is not only a highly entertaining page-turner but also it boasts its author's mastery of fiction. I loved it."
I feel pretty stronly that an ebook should not cost more than a paperback copy would cost. I also feel like an ebook should be priced based on length. I have seen some seriously short books priced like full length. It makes no sense. I understand that the costs of doing business are still involved in the production of an ebook but it just isn't as high as the cost of producing physical copies. What I am hoping is that there will be more coupons and special deals as ebooks become a larger part of the market.
Thanks for the giveaway.
I have a hard time paying over mass makret price for an ebook - I will if it's for a series I'm following in ebook but I draw the line at paying over $10 for an ebook copy -I really, really have to want the book to pay that much and I can only think of two ebooks that I've paid a little over $10 for in the last 3 years.....I know there are different costs for producing ebooks and they can be just as expensive as for producing a paperback but I think it should not be more than a tradesize paperback - it's not a hardcover
I am mainly a print book read and therefore I am willing to pay more for a print copy than an ebook. I take into mind whether it's a full-length book or a novella. Sometimes it's hard to tell how large or small an ebook is because no pages are given only the file size and sometimes even that is unavailable. I'd be willing to pay a little under a paperback price, otherwise I would get a paperback if it was available.
Thanks ladies for your thoughts! For me, It's got to be a special kind of book, one of my favorite authors to go over $5.99. Congrats to Maria, I picked your name out of the hat for the prize!
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