I'd like to thank GFPV for having me on their party blog today, and a special thanks to those who took the time to visit with me, Doreen McGettigan (doreenb8@verizon.net), Jen B (jepebATverizonDOTnet) and Na (Cambonified(at)yahoo(dot)com).
I promised to pick a winner to receive a copy of my ebook, Uncommon Bond, but because there were only three posters, I'm giving each one a copy of my book.
Congratulations to each of you. Check your inbox for a PDF of Uncommon Bond. I hope you enjoy the quick read, and please by all means, I look forward to hearing your comments.
Here's the link to the book trailer I created for Uncommon Bond. Please help spread the word about Vanessa Alexander Johnson and Uncommon Bond.
I visited the site Sunday and thought my message took. I will say this, FFBP selected a deserving writer, one whose Sacrifices In The NAme Of Love broke barriers while weaving a thougyht-provoking romantic tale. I will definitely buy the new book and wish Ms, Jihnson to get the wider audience her talent deserves.
I posted my comments Sunday under thw rong blogers comment area. I thought it was you,. The comments were under the article below yours. (The Science Geek comments)
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