Greetings. Thanks Judy and Marianne for hosting. And thanks to those of you who are stopping by to read my post.
I’m blogging at the launch party about my recent release Vampire Bay, third in the Hunter Series. I’ve really had fun with this series. Zoe Tempest is a young woman who morphs from a popular teenager interested in boy toys, shopping and texting into a vampire hunter who retains her love of clothes and sense of style.
With the first in the series Vampire Island I discovered first person. I’ve always written in third but I was having trouble getting into Zoe’s head. When I switched to first we became intimately acquainted. The only time I write in third now is when I’m in someone else’s POV other than the heroine’s. What about you? As a reader or as a writer which do you prefer first or third?
My name is Zoe Tempest. Don’t let this blonde-haired, blue-eyed Barbie Doll exterior fool you. I’m a vampire hunter. I have been ever since Dere, the king of bad-ass vamps murdered my parents and I went to live with my uncle, Julian Kilmer. Maybe you’ve heard of him. He’s a renowned paranormal metaphysical author. But in the world of the undead, he’s known and feared as a vampire slayer. Besides slaughtering my parents, Dere destroyed everyone that Uncle Julian ever loved. In doing so, Dere forged a bond between us thicker than blood. After I moved in with Uncle Julian, and learned to fight, I got my revenge and turned Dere’s butt to dust. At least, I think I did. Since Uncle Julian and I came to Vampire Bay on a vamp hunting expedition I’ve begun to wonder…
To celebrate the release of Vampire Bay I’ve got a contest going on at http://sandracox.blogspot.com. First prize: Starbucks gift certificate, a Cooke Lee crystal bracelet and a download of Vampire Bay. Second prize: paper copy of Moon Watchers. Third prize: paper copy of Vampire Island. To enter: Just leave a comment mentioning Vampire Bay Contest at http://sandracox.blogspot.com. Please leave your email addie so I’ll have a way to contact you. If you’d rather not leave your addie on the comment section send me an email at sandracox1@gmail.com.
Where Vampire Bay can be purchased:
Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy the rest of the party.
1 comment:
Congratulations on the release of Vampire Bay - sounds like a very interesting series and Zoe Tempest sounds like a kickbutt heroine- even if she is young. I don't really have a preference as far as 1st or 3rd person - I'm comfortable reading both but I think I read 3rd person just a touch faster...lol
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