Friday, June 10, 2011

The House of Women- historical romance excerpt

The House of Women by Anne Whitfield


Grace blinked to clear her frozen mind as her mother and Verity climbed the staircase. If Verity was here then was William here too? Movement at the door caused Grace to close her eyes. She couldn’t bring herself to open them and see the one man she’d longed for since she was sixteen.

‘Miss Woodruff?’ Doyle inquired at her shoulder.

Startled, she spun to face him, but she was blind to him, blind to everything but the sensation of having William here. Crazily, she wondered if she would swoon like a maiden aunt.

Doyle’s hand reached out, but he quickly tucked it behind his back. ‘What is it, Miss Woodruff?’

Grace swallowed, feeling the fine hairs on her arms and nape prickle. He is here.

‘Good evening, Grace.’

At the sound of William’s deep velvety voice, her heart stopped beating, only to start again at a rapid pace. Her stomach clenched and her legs felt unable to support her anymore. Slowly, she swivelled to gaze into William’s blue-green eyes and knew she was lost again. William smiled his captivating smile. He had aged, no, matured since their last meeting. He looked leaner, but broader in the shoulders. There was an aura about him, something that females of any age wanted. He made all other men around him seem insignificant. A magnetism, a mystical air surrounded him, catching Grace in its clutches once more.

 Order The House of Women from,
The Book Depository, which has free postage and currently on discount.

 For more information about Anne Whitfield, please visit her website.


Diane D - Florida said...

Wow, I love this excerpt. It's really whetted my appetite and I would love to read the whole story.

dod333 at aol dot com

June M. said...

Sounds like a great book. I would love to read the rest of it.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

Karen C said...

I read the blurb and watched the trailer yesterday and was hooked! The excerpt has just cemented the need to read the entire book. Thanks!
