Sunday, February 3, 2013

How Do You Do It?

I recently did a podcast with the Newbie Writer's Group, and one of the questions asked was, "How do you find the time to write?"  Hmm.  Finding the time to write isn't the problem.  Finding time to do all the other things a mother of three needs to do?  Now THERE is a challenge.

With three boys there is ALWAYS something that needs to be done: cooking, laundry, sewing the stuffed dog's ear back on, helping with homework, refereeing the latest squabble over the XBOX, and the list goes on and on and on....  I've seen many an interview where the author talks about how they squeeze writing in here and there, between their day job and a load of whites.  I guess I'm abnormal (and lucky).  From the moment I get up I think about writing and I sit in front of my computer shortly thereafter.  Then, in between Chapter 17 and the next plot twist I may load the dishwasher or fold that load of towels that's been in the dryer for three days.  I may not.  Somehow, the household still functions, my children still get fed, and I still manage to remind my husband why he married me (kidding, I don't KNOW why he married me).

These days I have one less boy to worry about, or at least I have one less to deal with.  My oldest, Devon, started his journey to become a US Marine on January 6th, and although I still worry about him I don't have to deal with him (one down, two to go, lol).  This lack of one child has also dramatically reduced my workload, adding to my available writing time.  If I didn't have excuse not to write before (and I didn't), I REALLY don't have one now.  I am lucky enough not to have to work outside the home, so, Monday-Friday from 8:30 - 3:00 p.m. the house is empty, quiet, and perfectly suited to writing.  Now if only my brain would be so accommodating....


Lizeverly2 said...

I always say the same thing about writing. How do people find the time to clean? Beats me. I'm writing. Nice partying with you Leslie.

Kim said...

I would much rather read a book than have to do anything else. I'm still amazed how creative all of you authors are.

Unknown said...

Lizeverly2, nice partying with you, too!

Reader Girl, I'm with you. A book in hand is worth a thousand loads of laundry... :)

Debby said...

It is amazing when one leaves. I have three daughter and they are all gone but one is coming back this summer
debby236 at gmail dot com