Elves Go A-Viking???
The warrior in her was ready for anything. But she never saw him coming.
GUARDIANS OF LIGHT Book 5, from Renee Wildes & Samhain Publishing
VERDEEN is on the brink of becoming an elite elven warrior ranger until the untimate humiliation - no war mare selects her for the advanced training. King Loren's "consolation prize isn't much better. Journey to Isadorikja, the Isle of Ice, as bodyguard to a mortal human riever. Daq ARYK. Barbarian. Prince of Thieves.
ARYK dreams the impossible: unite six fractious clans into one peaceful nation. Failure means they are all doomed to kill each other off - and his recurring nightmare of his son's death by sword will come true. The new elven ambassador rouses his ire, not because she's a woman but because she's inexperienced. Her possibly needless death weighs on his already overburdened soul. Her beauty is a distraction he can't afford.
In a fragrant moonlit garden, VERDEEN dares yield to an irresistible compulsion to kiss the mortal riever. The heat shakes her to the core and frees a desire that should occur but once in her life. With a mate.
As their quest turns down ever more dangerous paths, though, their bond is the asset that could assure peace...or the liability that could send a dream down in flames.
This tale illustrates what happens when adventurous dreamer meets seen-it-all cynic. Contains hot, no-hold-barred sex, voyeurism and some self-loving. Also some graphic (but never gratuitous) battle violence.
Sounds like my kind of book, Renee! Good luck with it.
Oooh.... sounds really good. I love an epic fantasy.
Do the books need to be read in order to really understand what's going on?
Morning Ladies!
Thanks, Miriam! Comes out Tuesday 9/27/11.
Thanks Mysti! Nope - you first get introduced to Verdeen in Bk 1 Duality, but the books can be read in any order. Much of Riever's is from ARYK's POV, and he wasn't in any of the other books, so reader learns pertinent info as he does.
There's a review of this book on the Samhain Coming Soon page
http://store.samhainpublishing.com/rievers-heart-p-6465.html if you want to check it out!
This sounds really great Renee! Can't wait for this to release:)
What a cool title. I need to add this book to my wish list. I like the plot idea and it sounds like something new and refreshing.
I can't wait for this one-I have all the others in this series!!
I'm so lost. I definately need to start this series from the beginning. I love the sound of it.
Left Batavia NY this morning. Just made it to Fremont OH - car kept overheating. Heading from ME back to WI.
Glad to see everyone stopping by to say hi! I'm very excited to have a new book coming out in this series. Ever since Verdeen expressed a longing to become a warrior and Queen Dara said "Go for it" I knew this book was inevitable. I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I have!
Aryk's a perfect match for Verdeen!
I love the unique plot on this Series! Adding them to my TBB list!
hugs, Kari Thomas, www.authorkari.com
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