How can you resist that?
Here's what they are saying:
"Lisbeth Foye has a real talent for putting characters and a good story together..."
"Lisbeth does have the ability to really draw you in so that you feel the emotions the characters feel, would make a brilliant film."
"a fantastic writer who really draws you into the unfolding stories in her books"
"...Couldn't put it down"
so here's the blurb:
Simon Tate is slowly allowing himself to die.
When Lana makes a throwaway comment about the people from her past, it triggers a notion in Simon’s head, an idea which should have gone no further. Simon enlists the help of Rupert, his young nephew, but his seemingly innocent project is on course to create carnage as it ushers his nephew towards the odious and dark world of Piet de Vos. Where the tragic consequences can only go one way.
No-one is untouched by upheaval; no-one’s life will ever be the same again.
Lessons are learnt. Love is found, and lost. Livelihoods are destroyed and new lives begin.
The end result, for all concerned, is not what Simon had in mind when he first planned his final gift to his friend, Lana. But then, nothing in life goes strictly to plan, does it?
Truth Unscrewed will take you on an odyssey through Europe, Asia, North and South America, into the lives of these same people who are no longer connected to each other; but each has their own story to tell – and the fallout to deal with.
and here's the link:
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